Vacation 2016: Day 10-④ Microsoft FLux in Helsinki
Toastmasters clubの会場となっていたこちら、実はMicrosoftとファンドが立ち上げたスタートアップのための施設でした!
The toastmasters club meeting I joined yesterday was conducted at a place named Microsoft Flux. It is a place for supporting current and future entrepreneurs!
I have been interested in the startup environment in Finland, as it is the city SLUSH is held, it was so exciting to have opportunity to look inside.
This is the entrance of the Flux & She is Annita, manager of this place, very cute lady who explained the detail explanation about the facility & system.
The place was consisted of some rooms and here is an open space.
People work as their own at somewhere here or else.
I don't know why this place is still sophisticated but very nice and open atmosphere.
Another day, they had a pitch event here.
This is also a part of open space, prepared for a pitch meeting.
This is a cafeteria, and work space behind.
-Makers HUB
Here is the Makers HUB fully equipped with 3D Printers etc, where is for the manufacturing startups to prototype their products.
We have similar system in Tokyo.
-Industrial Room
A guy focused on his work in the room. Maybe this place is for realizing their service to more concrete one.
A guy focused on his work in the room. Maybe this place is for realizing their service to more concrete one.
-Wooden Room
This is another workspace which is super sophisticated as below.
This is another workspace which is super sophisticated as below.
-Meeting Room
This room has big display at the right side front, so that it is possible to have a meeting, teleconference here.
What a sophistecated and settled room it is!
I'm sure this room accelerate the productivity of the meeting compared to Japanese bleak room... !
This fabric work is handmade and showing FLUX in it.
I think Finnish people are so good at this kind of
こちらの掲示板には、Job Seekersと、Employee recruitingの項目などがあり、
This bulletin board allows job seekers to introduce themselves or companies who look for talents.
Finding good talents are one of the difficult things for startup but this is very efficient system and they take part in very important role with it.
"You Look Nice!"とか、ポジティブなかけ声掛けてくれるの、テンション上がるかも。
She showed me a restroom, which has a big mirror and that says "You Look Nice" or other encouraging words and information.
If I have such a mirror at my place, my life would be nicer. I think this would be popular in Japan in terms of supporting tired people with long-hour working.
Also, the restroom has a TV that shows a video about how Microsoft was born and became a giant company. It is another way to encourage the people!
This facility is open to anybody who are currently startup or in future with no registration and for free of charge. Incredible unbelievable initiative for Japanese.
This facility is open to anybody who are currently startup or in future with no registration and for free of charge. Incredible unbelievable initiative for Japanese.
It is difficult to imagine that there is such wonderful place behind this door.
フィンランドのスタートアップ環境が進んでいるというのは記事で読んだことがあるし、今年のSLUSH ASIAのイベントに行く中で感じてもいたけど、
I've read some articles mention that the environment for finnish startup companies is considerably developed and therefore, here there are a lot of people goes to challenge and find opportunities to move forward.
I think Microsoft Flux will take part in one of the very important roles for current & future entrepreneurs to initiate their business very quickly in terms of not only Hard facilities but also Soft support such as coaching, mentoring.
I hope I will come back sooner to start my own here!! Thanks!
I've read some articles mention that the environment for finnish startup companies is considerably developed and therefore, here there are a lot of people goes to challenge and find opportunities to move forward.
I think Microsoft Flux will take part in one of the very important roles for current & future entrepreneurs to initiate their business very quickly in terms of not only Hard facilities but also Soft support such as coaching, mentoring.
I hope I will come back sooner to start my own here!! Thanks!