LEAN trainingのメモ

1.Open your mind to Change
2.Think Yes we can
3. Don't attack people
  Attack problems.
4.Seek Simple Solution
5.If it's broken, stop to fix it
6.Use creativity not capital
7.Problems are opportuniies in Disguise
8.Find the root cause
9.Wisdome of many , not the knowledge of one
10.There is no destination on the improvement journey

[7wastes that costs but adds no value]
Over Processing

[waste of defects]
Definition: work that is less than the level the customer has requeste
Warranty costs
Lost Capacity
Rework Cost
Field service repairs
*工程のあとで見つかれば見つかるほど、fixing cost が高くなる。
99% is not good enough.
Lack of in-process check
Low quality materials
Lack of less instruction

[How to tacke the defect]
stop the line principal
-Fishbone Diagram to clarify the defect

*waste of inventory(3 types)
 1.Cycle stock: (needed to cover normal demand)
 2.Buffer stock (needed to cover customer variation)
 3.Safety stock (needed to cover internal losses)

 Single minute excchange of dies
 One piece flow

The waste of the processing
The waste of waiting: Heijunka
The waste of motion: poor production design, lack of standardization
 the cost of motion: huge! Toools
 spaghetti diagram:移動したルートを全て書き出す

[The waste of transaportation]
 Cellular Layout
 One piece flow
 Batch&Queue Layout
 Water spider system=

visual management
Quick changeover
One piece flow

1.Sort: Excess paperwork, old phonebook, sort it out. Safer place, higher improvement.
   1)Evaluate&Photograph, 2)Identify&Red tag, 3)Decide
2.Straighten: understand the current situation
3.sweep (きれいにすればいろいろと見えてくる)
5.sustain (keep)

